I was very disappointed to learn that hummus is not a Greek food! I was really looking forward to eating lots of it while here. I have been looking for it everywhere and was shocked that no where seemed to offer it. Finally, the university students explained that hummus is actually Lebanese. I wonder why the hummus I buy at the store is called Athenos..........
Anyways, on to more important things. I learned from Argyris, the pastor, that he was arrested last year for proselytism. I had no idea it was illegal in Greece to try to convert people from Greek Orthodoxy to Protestantism! He spent some time in jail and underwent many trials before being exonerated. Argyris also explained that the Greek Bible Institute is the only Bible college in all of Greece. The government has recently passed new laws that are making it increasingly harder for the school to operate. But God continues to faithfully provide.
At dinner last night, Argyris listed the needs of the Bible school and the first item mentioned was none other than an accountant! I was so excited! This past year, I have spent considerable time weighing my career options. I've always loved missions, but seriously doubted the need for accounting skills in this field. Although I won't be moving to Greece to fill this position, it was really encouraging to hear that my skills are needed in the ministry world!
Today we spent a few hours in Athens interviewing people living in a potential church-planting area. We were divided into pairs that concentrated on different sections of this area. Austen and I interviewed at several trendy restaurants where the people met our demographic requirements. We ended up having a 20 minute conversation with a couple of self-proclaimed atheists.
It was a very friendly conversation and I found their perspective to be very interesting, although somewhat disturbing too. They believe that religion is used as a means of control over the weak. That almost all evil in the world has its roots in religion. While I do agree that there are churches, pastors, and others with religious authority who abuse their power, I don't believe this is an accurate blanket statement. I explained that Christ cannot be judged based on man. We will never perfectly respresent Christ because we are sinners. We will always fail to measure up. Instead, we must look to the character and person of Jesus. Misusing power is not a new concept. Didn't even Jesus expose the Pharisees who exploited their religious power?
They also argued that man is inherently good and isn't in need of rescuing. I know from just searching my own heart that man is in no way inherently good. I think the world has a perverted view of what good actually is. The emphasis is on outward behavior as opposed to the heart. For example, before coming to Christ, I would not have viewed myself as evil. In fact, I considered myself to be a pretty decent human being. At least in comparison to so many other people. I didn't steal, murder, do drugs, or curse. So what if I occasionally gossiped and envied my friends. I went to church and even volunteered in the community - nevermind that my motives were selfishly driven. Now, I realize that the only one I can compare myself to is a Holy God. And that Holy God is more concerned about my heart than my behavior. And next to him, I am completely wicked.
But the good news is that, because of his love for us, God sent Christ to die for our sins. And through his death, God is accessible to us. He offers us eternal life and freedom from sin. He offers us grace and hope!!! Praise God!
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him." - John 3:16-17