Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I face-painted all evening at the festival tonight. As we were packing up to leave, a little boy about 6 years old held up his hand for a high-five. I went to reciprocate and somehow (don't ask) missed and hit him in the head. To make matters worse, a bench of little old ladies witnessed the event and their expressions were filled with horror. They were mortified at the sight of me knocking some child upside the head. I repeatedly shouted the only word I knew to say, "signommi, signommi" (sorry), but he just stared at me with this perplexed look.

Moral of the story: Make sure to aim correctly when giving high-fives.


Caleb Click said...

Been there. Done that. I once broke a girl's nose with a dodge ball.

Catherine Elizabeth Entrekin said...

this is funny! ha! They key is to keep your eyes on their elbow. You'll never miss.